Package Managers:-

Yum (Yellow dog Updater, Modified) is mainly used in the rpm based distros, like redhat, fedora, centos and so on.

Some Yum Options:-

Escape the wild characters using the \.

yum install package
yum groupinstall "MySQL Database"
yum localinstall package.rpm

yum update package
yum groupupdate ""MySQL Database"

yum remove package
yum groupremove "MySQL Database"

yum list package - Search for specific package by name
yum grouplist - List all groups.
yum search mp3 - Searches the names, descriptions, summaries and listed package maintainers of all of the available packages to find those that match
yum provides - search for all packages that include files called

yum clean headers , yum clean packages , yum clean metadata , yum clean all - to redownload the indexes and cached files.

yum check update
yum upgrade


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